Source code for sfini.worker

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# Created by: Laurie 2018/07/12

"""Activity task polling and execution.

You can provide you're own workers: the interface to the activities is
public. This module's worker implementation uses threading, and is
designed to be resource-managed outside of Python.

import json
import uuid
import time
import socket
import threading
import traceback
import typing as T
import logging as lg

from botocore import exceptions as bc_exc

from . import _util

_logger = lg.getLogger(__name__)
_host_name = socket.getfqdn(socket.gethostname())

[docs]class WorkerCancel(KeyboardInterrupt): """Workflow execution interrupted by user.""" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): msg = ( "Activity execution cancelled by user. " "This could be due to a `KeyboardInterrupt` during execution, " "or the worker was killed during task polling.") super().__init__(msg, *args, **kwargs)
[docs]class TaskExecution: """Execute a task, providing heartbeats and catching failures. Args: activity (sfini.activity.CallableActivity): activity to execute task of task_token: task token for execution identification task_input: task input session: session to use for AWS communication """ def __init__( self, activity, task_token: str, task_input: _util.JSONable, *, session: _util.AWSSession = None): self.activity = activity self.task_token = task_token self.task_input = task_input self.session = session or _util.AWSSession() self._heartbeat_thread = threading.Thread(target=self._heartbeat) self._request_stop = False def __str__(self): return "%s - %s" % (, self.task_token) __repr__ = _util.easy_repr def _send(self, send_fn: T.Callable, **kw): """Send execution update to SFN.""" if self._request_stop: _logger.warning("Skipping sending update as we've already quit") return return send_fn(taskToken=self.task_token, **kw) def _report_exception(self, exc: BaseException): """Report failure.""""Reporting task failure for '%s'" % self, exc_info=exc) tb = traceback.format_exception(type(exc), exc, exc.__traceback__) self._send( self.session.sfn.send_task_failure, error=type(exc).__name__, cause="".join(tb)) self._request_stop = True
[docs] def report_cancelled(self): """Cancel a task execution: stop interaction with SFN.""" fmt = "Reporting task failure for '%s' due to cancellation" % self) self._send( self.session.sfn.send_task_failure, error=WorkerCancel.__name__, cause=str(WorkerCancel())) self._request_stop = True
def _report_success(self, res: _util.JSONable): """Report success.""" fmt = "Reporting task success for '%s' with output: %s" _logger.debug(fmt % (self, res)) self._send(self.session.sfn.send_task_success, output=json.dumps(res)) self._request_stop = True def _send_heartbeat(self): """Send a heartbeat.""" _logger.debug("Sending heartbeat for '%s'" % self) try: self._send(self.session.sfn.send_task_heartbeat) except bc_exc.ClientError as e: self._request_stop = True if e.response["Error"]["Code"] != "TaskTimedOut": raise _logger.error("Task execution '%s' timed-out" % self) def _heartbeat(self): """Run heartbeat sending.""" heartbeat = self.activity.heartbeat while True: t = time.time() if self._request_stop: break self._send_heartbeat() time.sleep(heartbeat - (time.time() - t))
[docs] def run(self): """Run task.""" self._heartbeat_thread.start() t = time.time() try: res = self.activity.call_with(self.task_input) except KeyboardInterrupt: self.report_cancelled() return except Exception as e: self._report_exception(e) return fmt = "Task '%s' completed in %.6f seconds" _logger.debug(fmt % (self, time.time() - t)) self._report_success(res)
[docs]class Worker: """Worker to poll for activity task executions. Args: activity (sfini.activity.CallableActivity): activity to poll and run executions of name: name of worker, used for identification, default: a combination of UUID and host's FQDN session: session to use for AWS communication """ _task_execution_class = TaskExecution def __init__( self, activity, name: str = None, *, session: _util.AWSSession = None): self.activity = activity = name or "%s-%s" % (_host_name, str(str(uuid.uuid4()))[:8]) self.session = session or _util.AWSSession() self._poller = threading.Thread(target=self._worker) self._request_finish = False self._exc = None def __str__(self): return "%s [%s]" % (, __repr__ = _util.easy_repr def _execute_on(self, task_input: _util.JSONable, task_token: str): """Execute the provided task. Args: task_input: activity task execution input task_token: task execution identifier """ _logger.debug("Got task input: %s" % task_input) execution = self._task_execution_class( self.activity, task_token, task_input, session=self.session) if self._request_finish: execution.report_cancelled() else: def _poll_and_execute(self): """Poll for tasks to execute, then execute any found.""" while not self._request_finish: fmt = "Polling for activity '%s' executions" _logger.debug(fmt % self.activity) resp = self.session.sfn.get_activity_task( activityArn=self.activity.arn, if resp.get("taskToken", None) is not None: input_ = json.loads(resp["input"]) self._execute_on(input_, resp["taskToken"]) def _worker(self): """Run polling, catching exceptins.""" try: self._poll_and_execute() except (Exception, KeyboardInterrupt) as e: _logger.warning("Polling/execution failed", exc_info=e) self._exc = e # send exception to main thread self._request_finish = True
[docs] def start(self): """Start polling.""" from . import activity if not isinstance(self.activity, activity.CallableActivity): raise TypeError("Activity '%s' cannot be executed" % self.activity) _util.assert_valid_name("Worker '%s': waiting on final poll to finish" % self) self._poller.start()
[docs] def join(self): """Block until polling exit.""" try: self._poller.join() except KeyboardInterrupt:"Quitting polling due to KeyboardInterrupt") self._request_finish = True return except Exception: self._request_finish = True raise if self._exc is not None: raise self._exc
[docs] def end(self): """End polling.""""Worker '%s': waiting on final poll to finish" % self) self._request_finish = True
[docs] def run(self): """Run worker to poll for and execute specified tasks.""" self.start() self.join()