Source code for sfini.execution._execution

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# Created by: Laurie 2018/07/11

"""State-machine execution."""

import time
import json
import datetime
import typing as T
import logging as lg

from .. import _util
from . import history

_logger = lg.getLogger(__name__)
_default = _util.DefaultParameter()

[docs]class Execution: """A state-machine execution. Args: name: name of execution state_machine_arn: executed state-machine ARN execution_input: execution input (must be JSON-serialisable) arn: execution ARN (if known: provided when execution is posted to AWS SFN) session: session to use for AWS communication """ _wait_sleep_time = 3.0 _not_provided = object() def __init__( self, name: str, state_machine_arn: str, execution_input: _util.JSONable = _default, arn: str = None, *, session: _util.AWSSession = None): = name self.state_machine_arn = state_machine_arn self.execution_input = execution_input self.arn = arn self.session = session or _util.AWSSession() self._status = None self._start_date = None self._stop_date = None self._output = _default def __str__(self): status_str = (" [%s]" % self._status) if self._status else "" return "%s%s" % (, status_str) __repr__ = _util.easy_repr
[docs] @classmethod def from_arn( cls, arn: str, *, session: _util.AWSSession = None ) -> "Execution": """Construct an ``Execution`` from an existing execution. Queries AWS Step Functions for the execution with the given ARN Args: arn: existing execution ARN session: session to use for AWS communication Returns: described execution """ session = session or _util.AWSSession() resp = session.sfn.describe_execution(executionArn=arn) assert resp["executionArn"] == arn execution_input = _default if "input" in resp: execution_input = json.loads(resp["input"]) self = cls( resp["name"], resp["stateMachineArn"], execution_input=execution_input, arn=arn, session=session) self._status = resp["status"] self._start_date = resp["startDate"] self._stop_date = resp.get("stopDate") if "output" in resp: self._output = json.loads(resp["output"]) return self
[docs] @classmethod def from_execution_list_item( cls, item: T.Dict[str, _util.JSONable], *, session: _util.AWSSession = None ) -> "Execution": """Construct an ``Execution`` from a response list-item. Args: item: execution list item session: session to use for AWS communication Returns: described execution """ self = cls( item["name"], item["stateMachineArn"], cls._not_provided, arn=item["executionArn"], session=session) self._status = item["status"] self._start_date = item["startDate"] self._stop_date = item.get("stopDate") return self
@property def status(self) -> str: """Execution status.""" if self._status in (None, "RUNNING"): self._update() return self._status @property def start_date(self) -> datetime.datetime: """Execution start time.""" if self._start_date is None: self._update() return self._start_date @property def stop_date(self) -> datetime.datetime: """Execution stop time. Raises: RuntimeError: if execution is not yet finished """ if self._stop_date is None: self._update() self._raise_unfinished() return self._stop_date @property def output(self) -> _util.JSONable: """Output of execution. Raises: RuntimeError: if execution is not yet finished, or execution failed """ if self._output == _default: self._update() self._raise_unfinished() self._raise_on_failure() return self._output def _update(self): """Update execution information from AWS. Raises: RuntimeError: if execution ARN is not known (must be provided) """ status_known = self._status not in (None, "RUNNING") input_known = self.execution_input != self._not_provided if status_known and input_known: _logger.debug("Execution finished: update is unnecessary") return self._raise_no_arn() resp = self.session.sfn.describe_execution(executionArn=self.arn) assert resp["executionArn"] == self.arn self._status = resp["status"] self._start_date = resp["startDate"] self._stop_date = resp.get("stopDate") if "input" in resp: input_ = json.loads(resp["input"]) if self.execution_input == self._not_provided: self.execution_input = input_ else: assert self.execution_input == input_ if "output" in resp: self._output = json.loads(resp["output"]) def _raise_on_failure(self): """Raise ``RuntimeError`` on execution failure.""" failed = self._status not in ("RUNNING", "SUCCEEDED") if failed: raise RuntimeError("Execution '%s' %s" % (self, self._status)) def _raise_unfinished(self): """Raise ``RuntimeError`` when requiring execution to be finished.""" if self._status == "RUNNING": raise RuntimeError("Execution '%s' not yet finished" % self) def _raise_no_arn(self): """Raise ``RuntimeError`` when ARN is not provided.""" if self.arn is None: raise RuntimeError("Execution '%s' ARN is unknown" % self)
[docs] def start(self): """Start this state-machine execution. Sets the ``arn`` attribute. """ _util.assert_valid_name( input_ = self.execution_input if input_ == _default: input_ = {} resp = self.session.sfn.start_execution( stateMachineArn=self.state_machine_arn,, input=json.dumps(input_)) self.arn = resp["executionArn"] self._status = "RUNNING" self._start_date = resp["startDate"]
[docs] def wait(self, raise_on_failure: bool = True, timeout: float = None): """Wait for execution to finish. Args: raise_on_failure: raise error when execution fails timeout: time to wait for execution to finish (seconds), default: no time-out Raises: RuntimeError: if execution fails, or if time-out is reached before execution finishes """ t = time.time() while True: self._update() if self._status != "RUNNING": break if timeout is not None and time.time() - t > timeout: raise RuntimeError("Time-out waiting on execution '%s'" % self) time.sleep(self._wait_sleep_time) if raise_on_failure: self._raise_on_failure()
[docs] def stop(self, error_code: str = _default, details: str = _default): """Stop an existing execution. Args: error_code: stop reason identification details: stop reason Raises: RuntimeError: if execution is already finished """ kw = {} if error_code != _default: kw["error"] = error_code if details != _default: kw["cause"] = details self._raise_no_arn() resp = self.session.sfn.stop_execution(executionArn=self.arn, **kw) self._stop_date = resp["stopDate"]"Execution stopped on %s" % resp["stopDate"])
[docs] def get_history(self) -> T.List[history.Event]: """List the execution history. Returns: history of execution events """ self._raise_no_arn() resp = _util.collect_paginated( self.session.sfn.get_execution_history, executionArn=self.arn) return history.parse_history(resp["events"])
[docs] def format_history(self) -> str: """Format the execution history for printing. Returns: history formatted """ events = self.get_history() lines = [] for event in events: ds = event.details_str line = ("%s:\n %s" % (event, ds)) if ds else str(event) lines.append(line) self._update() if self._output != _default: line = "Output: %s" % json.dumps(self._output) lines.append(line) return "\n".join(lines)